HTML tutorialOpportunity to Own a Strategic Sales Transformation Business

One of our US based Practices produced a return of $1,226,485 in revenue, with $397,981 in EBIT and Owners Drawings in the second full year of operation.


Own and Scale a Sales Transformation Business

See how our turnkey system has allowed a Practice to earn over $670,000 in revenue and $137,000 in profit, while the Practice Partner paid themselves a 6-figure-salary plus dividends in the first year of operation.

Why SalesStar?

SalesStar has proven results over 18 years, in 6 countries and 2 languages (English and Spanish).

Our mission is to lead the world by becoming strategic sales partners for clients serious about growth.

We have partnered with leaders to grow their Practices, working closely in this partnership to achieve aligned and mutual success.

Our US Franchising model allows growth-minded sales leaders to become Practice Partners, owning and scaling their own strategic sales business.

Our Vision

Be an integral partner for clients that are serious about growth, worldwide.


Successfully launch 100 global practices and transform 1,000,000 people into raving fans by 2030.

Our Target Market

Founders & CEOs of B2B to midsize companies that sell a technical product or service.

Our Global Ambition

We want to be the absolute best in the world when it comes to empowering coaches to provide transformation results for our clients.

Our Values

Team First

We win and learn together and are growth minded.

Create Raving Fans

Over deliver and build strong relationships.

Be a Product of the Product

Walk the talk & practice what we teach.

Do It For the Right Reasons

Intention is everything, sustained success requires that you consistently do what’s right for the client.

Our Vision

Be an integral partner for clients that are serious about growth, worldwide.

Our Values

Team First

We win and learn together and are growth minded.


Successfully launch 100 global practices and transform 1,000,000 people into raving fans by 2030.

Create Raving Fans

Over deliver and build strong relationships.

Our Target Market

Founders & CEOs of B2B to midsize companies that sell a technical product or service.

Be a Product of the Product

Walk the talk & practice what we teach.

Our Global Ambition

We want to be the absolute best in the world when it comes to empowering coaches to provide transformation results for our clients.

Do It For the Right Reasons

Intention is everything, sustained success requires that you consistently do what’s right for the client.

What We Do For Our Clients

At SalesStar, we deliver strategic sales transformation.

SalesStar Practices work with growth minded  business leaders who are willing to invest in their people to achieve greater sales results. Our programs engage corporations at three levels, C-Suite Leaders, Sales Managers and their Sales teams – so we work with all levels of their business. SalesStar does not deliver one off training, but partners with clients to fast track their growth. To achieve this, our High Performance Coaches follow our 9 Step Pathway to Sales Transformation.

CEOs of midsize companies don’t always come from a sales background. They are often stressed and confused with the pressures of growing sales revenue, viewing it as a black art.
What distinguishes SalesStar is that we put the science behind sales success. We remove the guesswork for growing sales with the tried and proven High-Performance Pathway. Sales Success is simple when you know how.

Sales Success = Clarity x Activity x Effectiveness

This process empowers our coaches to get transformational results for our clients. In some cases we have had clients more than double their growth during Covid. We are so confident in our process that we promise a 3x return on investment.
Want to learn more? Download our Practice Partner Prospectus below…

What Our Practice Partners Say

When you join SalesStar, you join a team of growth-minded business leaders. Hear how a SalesStar Practice has enabled them to build and scale their own sales transformation business.

What We Do For Our Partners

We help coaches and Practice Partners leverage time, so they can stop feeling like a hamster on a wheel. We provide a turnkey system, which,for one of our US based Practices produced a return of $1,226,485 in revenue, with $397,981 in EBIT and Owners Drawings in the second full year of operation.


We support our Practices to:

Want to learn more? Download our Practice Partner Prospectus below…

Marketing & Lead Generation

Introducing SalesStar Digital, an affiliate, unique SalesStar Practice, that specializes in digital lead generation. The entity was created to better to serve our Franchises and their clients, ensuring that marketing strategy complements sales strategy and vice versa.

The SalesStar Digital team is made up of senior experts in digital strategy, paid campaign management, search engine optimization, development, design and conversion rate optimization. They combine channel specific expertise across a range of channels, many of which are being utilized to market SalesStar.

SalesStar Franchisees enjoy the benefits of this digital expertise, leveraging both global campaigns and market-specific learnings to continually evolve messaging, creative and positioning

SalesStar's Marketing Channels & Tools

Google Ads
Google Analytics
Google Display

Assessment Tools

The SalesStar System minimizes the guesswork in understanding how effective your salesforce is, by using Objective Management Group’s Sales Effectiveness Assessment.

Sales Enablement

Our sales process is digitally embedded into our pipeline management system.

This enables us to ramp up new salespeople and generate accurate forecasting.

Want to learn more? Download our Practice Partner Prospectus below…

Product & Delivery Tools

Resources and Technology


One of our competitive advantages is the use of technology. We have a comprehensive tech stack to ensure we are able to provide a consistent delivery approach for clients. This also enables us to onboard and ramp up new Franchisees and their staff in an efficient manner.

Our Sales Transformation products are well defined and include a wealth of resources for both coaches and clients.

Want to learn more? Download our Practice Partner Prospectus below…

SalesStar Academy

Man using MacBook Pro in the office_Screen Shot 2022-09-23 at 9.50.02 AM
SalesStar Academy is a high quality video learning platform to engage clients. It enables our coaches to leverage time, whilst providing a consistent client experience.

Transformation Tracker

We have developed The Transformation Tracker, a tool which is used to develop our clients’ sales strategies and processes, whilst providing the ability to track results.
Learning & Development

We support our Practice Partners to grow their teams and themselves. To do this, we have a dedicated Learning and Development team that is continually developing resources and leading training and certification programs.

We also understand that running a business is challenging and can be a lonely experience. So our Practice Partners join a network of like-minded A-Players, all of whom are committed to growing through shared learning and mutual support.

Want to learn more? Download our Practice Partner Prospectus below…

Sales Insights

When we say we are

"The Science Behind Sales Success"

...we mean it

Our sales systems, process and strategies are based on quantified best practices that leverage leading insights from a range of industries around the globe.

We have invested in building out sales effectiveness dashboards across the group to measure leading activity, win/loss ratios, sales cycles and forecasted revenues. These are used to build accountability and friendly competition, whilst giving you industry-leading insight into the effectiveness of your Practice.

Get In Touch

SalesStar Franchisee Criteria:

If you tick all of the boxes, get in touch by filling out our contact form.

Download our Practice Partner Prospectus

Download Your 9 Step Strategic Sales System

Download Your One Page Sales Plan.