Alex Chan SalesStar

Alex Chan

  • Sales background in stationery, printing, business equipment, capital equipment, professional services and diamonds. Smallest sale – $5. Biggest sale- $15,000,000
  • Leader of sales teams as a sales manager, contract sales manager and RFP project leader. Responsible for budgets between $2m – $100m.
  • Assisted clients to grow their sales between 20-300% – in one case played a key role in doubling sales from $50m to $100m

I get great satisfaction from watching people and their companies grow. When I see their sales climbing, when I see them becoming more successful as a result, when I see managers transform into leaders and grow their teams, then I know why I get up every morning. And nothing compares to the feeling of having people come back to me years later to say I changed their lives. It’s gratifying to be able to provide cutting edge sales and sales leadership learning programmes, diagnostics and business advice that helps individuals grow personally and professionally- and that sees clients reach and exceed their sales goals.

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