Barry Timmins

Barry Timmins

Barry specializes in helping business owners and executives grow their company’s revenues and profits  through improving their sales strategies, activities and capabilities. With 30 years of experience in sales,  leadership, and business ownership, he has a proven track record of driving growth in sales teams across  diverse industries. Outside of work, Barry enjoys cycling, playing pickleball and spending time with family  and friends.

Specialization Areas:

Sales Team Diagnosis: As a Certified Assessor with Objective Management Group (OMG), Barry uses  OMG’s Sales Team Evaluation to provide business owners and executives with valuable insight into the  best areas and ways to improve their sales team’s performance. This comprehensive evaluation: a)  calculates sales role fits and growth potential, b) measures activities, mindsets, and skills, and c) uncovers  barriers to growth that need to be understood and addressed. 

System Performance: Barry helps clients achieve measurable, predictable, and more profitable revenues  by integrating and coaching SalesStar’s high-performance sales processes into their sales system. With  extensive experience implementing new sales processes and technologies with sales teams and having  helped many companies improve their ISO processes and results, Barry knows how to implement better  processes to achieve better results. 

Sales Training: With experience as a Corporate Sales Trainer, Barry has successfully trained hundreds of  salespeople and numerous Sales Managers in selling and coaching methodologies. He leverages this  experience to design and implement coaching and training programs that sales professionals find  engaging and applicable to improve their sales mindsets, skills and performance. 

Sales Recruiting: With extensive experience hiring salespeople across various industries, Barry  understands the significant benefits that hiring top performers provide to revenue growth and team  morale, as well as the challenges of sourcing and hiring these elite salespeople. That’s why he is excited to  help Hiring Managers integrate SalesStar’s high-performance sales recruiting processes and technologies  into their recruiting programs, to hire top performers while reducing their hiring timelines, costs and risks.  

Sector Experience:

Natural gas producers and energy utilities, Industrial companies and government agencies and  Organizations implementing various ISO Management Systems and Training


Barry has sold in most US States and Canadian Provinces and has lived in South Carolina, Texas and  Nova Scotia. 

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